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Initial symptoms of spine cancer neck and back pains

Over the years, Doctors have reported an increasing number of patients being diagnosed with cancer in the country. At the National Trauma Centre, over 10 patients have been under the knife for spine cancer in the last 24 months.

As a result, Doctors have constantly advised that patients do not overlook neck and back pains as they could easily be early signs and symptoms of spine cancer. Ensure you visit a hospital as soon as possible for early detection and diagnosis.

Just to reiterate was has been previously stated, it is very important that you pay the Dr a visit when you are suffering from neck and back pains. Back pains usually occur continuously and its intensity could get higher at night or in the evening. In some cases you could feel some instant excruciating pains around your back and neck. Apart from the neck region, patients usually report pains in their legs and hands, or in some cases partial paralysis or weakness of the limb according to Dr Gaurav Raj Dhakal, neuro surgeon at the National Trauma Centre.

Spine tumour or cancer in some cases could occur directly in the spine, or it could spread to other parts of the body. A large number of spine tumours move from other areas in the body. This is typically referred to as metastatic spine tumour. It is a regular occurrence for those who are above the age of 45 years.

MRI, CT and X-ray scan can help to detect tumours, the amount of damage done to the spinal cord and its size.

Recent diagnostic processes like Radio-isotope bone and PET scans can also be used to diagnose the disease, according to Dr Dhakal.

The problem is that a lot of patients do not visit health care centres until its getting late. You can manage cancer through chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery, all these options are available. Doctor's advice that patients should ensure that they visit these health care centres as soon as possible.

Having a comprehensive health insurance would be a useful way to offset treatment of cancer as they are really expensive. Government has put plans in motion to provide allowances to patients who are suffering from cancer, kidney failure or paralysis as a result of spinal injuries sustained.


Diagnosed with Cancer

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