Reconstructive Dentistry

Loss of Vertical Dimension (face, bite and smile are collapsing) can be caused by any one or combination of several factors including:

  • Loss of tooth height due to normal wear and tear on teeth
  • Loss of tooth height due to accelerated wear and tear caused by certain types of dental treatments
  • Loss of underying maxillary or mandibular jawbone structure due to disease or problems related to having edentulous jaws
  • Disturbances in normal TMJ and TMD relationships that accelerate wear and tear on tooth structures and cause deterioration of the TMJoint
  • Physical Trauma


What is a dental implant?

A dental implant is a titanium post that is installed into your jawbone. It’s kind of like a screw that is precisely placed into a predrilled hole in your jawbone. The titanium implant, once installed, is then integrated into your jawbone through a natural process discovered by Swedish Scientists during the 1980’s. Tthe titanium implant actually fuses to your jawbone making a permanent and solid foundation for the next part of the dental implant, the abutment. An abutment is placed on top of the dental implant.

The abutment offers the opportunity to swivel the abutment into a position the surface of the tooth needs to be in for the best performance of your new tooth. Finally, the last part of the dental implant procedure is the crown, or prosthetic tooth. The prosthetic tooth sits on top of the abutment. When finished the tooth is sitting on a solid foundation of titanium and bone. It’s permanence and functionality is without question.

In simple terms a dental implant is an artificial tooth root that a prosthetic tooth sits upon. Dental implants restore the natural look and function of the original tooth. Dental implants also help prevent bone loss and deterioration and help preserve the way a person looks by supporting facial structure. Facial structure can suffer when teeth are missing.

Dental implants look and feel so natural that you will even forget that you ever lost a tooth.

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