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Is Social media making us anxious? Depressed?

According to a University analysis, regardless of frequent claims to the contrary, when it comes to depression, the answer is no.

Despite all its merits in keeping individuals connected, Facebook has been alleged of foremost to ill-fated side effects, such as jealousy, low self-esteem or separation. But new research out of the Univesity suggests individuals should think twofold before tacking depression onto that list.

"people encompass looked at things for example envy, in addition to more transient moods or whatnot, although we thoroughly looked at medical a depressive disorder," Medical professional the lead author of the research, told The Huffington Post. "There was no relation between the quantity of time study participants were on Facebook in addition to their signs and symptoms of depression."

On the other hand, a analysis from the University of Salford in the U.K. indicates that social media might cause apprehension and lower self-esteem:

About half of the survey's 300 participants, all of whom identified themselves as social media users, declare that their use of social networks like Social media in addition to Twitter makes their lives worse. In particular, participants noted that their self-esteem suffers when they compare their own accomplishments to many of their online associates.

To add to confidence issues, two-thirds claim they find it difficult to completely rest or sleep after spending time on social networks. A quarter cited employment or relationship difficulties due to online confrontations. in addition to more than half say they feel "concerned or uncomfortable" at periods they are unable to access their Facebook or email accounts.